Welcome Mingmar Sherpa!
Mingmar joined us this summer from the University of Alabama at Birmingham as our new Technical Associate, welcome!
Mingmar joined us this summer from the University of Alabama at Birmingham as our new Technical Associate, welcome!
Dr. Yevick starts as an Assistant Professor at Brandeis University. Check out her new lab website. Congratulations and good luck, Hannah!
Congratulations to Soline on publishing her work “Actomyosin Meshwork Mechanosensing Enables Tissue Shape to Orient Cell Force” in Nature Communications. Soline discovered a mechanism by which tissue and organism shape can instruct cells how to generate force. This has implications in understanding how tissues and organs acquire their correct shape.
We have a number of new additions to the lab including postdocs Jasmin Imran Alsous and Nat Clarke, graduate students Anna Yeh and Jaclyn Camuglia, undergraduates Prateek Kalakuntla and Jennifer Nwako, and technician Vardges Tserunyan.
Congratulations to graduate student, Clint Ko, on publishing his research titled Microtubules promote intercellular contractile force transmission during tissue folding in the Journal of Cell Biology. Clint discovered that microtubules maintain intercellular adhesion by regulating actin.
Jennifer Chu reports on Anthony McDougal’s doctoral thesis, studying butterfly wing scale morphogenesis in Vanessa cardui.
Original publication here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8670486/
Congratulations to Jaci Camuglia and Anna Yeh on passing their Ph.D. candidacy exams! Excited to see what research directions we go in over the next few years.