Congratulation Dr. Jackson!
Congratulations Dr. Jackson on defending your PhD and getting a postdoc position in Germany. Best of luck.
Congratulations Dr. Jackson on defending your PhD and getting a postdoc position in Germany. Best of luck.
The Martin lab won the coveted group costume competition for the Biology department Halloween party. They had a winning combination of fish-like pillows and various forms of wasabi.
Jonathan Coravos gave an amazing seminar and successfully defended his thesis. Well done Jonathan! Have fun in Chile!
Graduate students Anna Yeh and Jaclyn Camuglia publish book chapter on morphogenesis titled Extracellular Tension and Tissue Morphogenesis.
Congratulations to graduate student, Natalie Heer, on giving an excellent research presentation and successfully defending her thesis. Best of luck at your new position as a Data Scientist.
Congratulations to Dr. Hannah Yevick for being awarded a prestigious NIH fellowship.
Graduate student Clint Ko and Undergraduate Prateek Kalakuntla publish MBoC paper on how mitotic entry can repress ‘active’ contractility and result in relaxation that promotes neighboring tissue folding.