Congratulation Dr. Jackson!
Congratulations Dr. Jackson on defending your PhD and getting a postdoc position in Germany. Best of luck.
Congratulations Dr. Jackson on defending your PhD and getting a postdoc position in Germany. Best of luck.
Biology graduate student, Clint Ko, is joining our lab. Clint was an undergrad at Cornell University where he worked on plant development. We are happy he has turned to the fruit fly for his next system.
Congratulations to summer student, Fernando Melara Barahon, for winning a presentation award at ABRCMS 2022 conference.
Congratulations postdoc Jasmin Imran Alsous and grad student Jonathan Jackson on publishing their paper titlec Dynamics of hydraulic and contractile wave-mediated fluid transport during Drosophila oogenesis in PNAS.
Congratulations Dr. Yeh on defending your PhD and getting a job in industry! We wish her the best of luck.
The Martin lab won the coveted group costume competition for the Biology department Halloween party. They had a winning combination of fish-like pillows and various forms of wasabi.
Hannah received her Ph.D. from the Institut Curie in Paris, France. Her Bachelor’s degree is in Physics and she published a really cool paper on cells walking a “tightrope.” She is interested in collective cell behavior changing tissue shape.