Jeanne Jodoin awarded NIH F32 Fellowship
Congratulations to Jeanne Jodoin, who was awarded a prestigious NIH F32 postdoctoral fellowship.
Congratulations to Jeanne Jodoin, who was awarded a prestigious NIH F32 postdoctoral fellowship.
Juana De La O comes to us from the University of Chicago and the MIT Biology PhD program.
We have a number of new additions to the lab including postdocs Jasmin Imran Alsous and Nat Clarke, graduate students Anna Yeh and Jaclyn Camuglia, undergraduates Prateek Kalakuntla and Jennifer Nwako, and technician Vardges Tserunyan.
Graduate students Anna Yeh and Jaclyn Camuglia publish book chapter on morphogenesis titled Extracellular Tension and Tissue Morphogenesis.
Graduate student Clint Ko and Undergraduate Prateek Kalakuntla publish MBoC paper on how mitotic entry can repress ‘active’ contractility and result in relaxation that promotes neighboring tissue folding.
Congratulations to graduate student, Marlis Denk-Lobnig, on passing her qualifying exam.
Congratulations to postdoc, Hannah Yevick, for publishing her review article “Quantitative Analysis of Cell Shape and the Cytoskeleton in Developmental Biology” in WIREs Developmental Biology.