Welcome Babli Adhikary!
Babli is doing summer research as part of the prestigious Khorana Scholars Program.
Babli is doing summer research as part of the prestigious Khorana Scholars Program.
Congratulations Elena Kingston on winning the best poster prize at the Building 68 retreat. We have won a poster prize each year for the past 3 years. Nice job Mimi, Claudia, and now Elena.
Congratulations Mary Ann Collins on publishing review article on plant and animal morphogenesis in Developmental Cell!
Congratulations to graduate student, Marlis Denk-Lobnig, on passing her qualifying exam.
Congratulations Jaci on a stellar PhD thesis and tour de force paper. We wish her the best of luck on her next position in industry!
Congratulations to Dr. Hannah Yevick for being awarded a prestigious NIH fellowship.
Congratulations to Soline on publishing her work “Actomyosin Meshwork Mechanosensing Enables Tissue Shape to Orient Cell Force” in Nature Communications. Soline discovered a mechanism by which tissue and organism shape can instruct cells how to generate force. This has implications in understanding how tissues and organs acquire their correct shape.