Lab News

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Congratulations Dr. Xie

Congratulations Dr. Xie

Mimi Xie successfully defended her thesis. She gave an excellent seminar to our community. Nice job Mimi!

Hannah Yevick Wins Nano-K 2015 Thesis Prize

Hannah Yevick Wins Nano-K 2015 Thesis Prize

Congratulations Hannah Yevick, for winning the Nano-K 2015 Thesis Prize for interdisciplinary research. This is a national award in France for excellent PhD theses that cross disciplines.

Congratulations Dr. Vasquez

Congratulations Dr. Vasquez

Claudia Vasquez successfully defended her thesis. She gave a stellar seminar to faculty, friends, and colleagues at MIT. Nice job!
Welcome Hannah Yevick

Welcome Hannah Yevick

Hannah received her Ph.D. from the Institut Curie in Paris, France. Her Bachelor’s degree is in Physics and she published a really cool paper on cells walking a “tightrope.” She is interested in collective cell behavior changing tissue shape.

Jeanne Jodoin awarded NIH F32 Fellowship

Jeanne Jodoin awarded NIH F32 Fellowship

Congratulations to Jeanne Jodoin, who was awarded a prestigious NIH F32 postdoctoral fellowship.

Elena Kingston wins poster prize

Elena Kingston wins poster prize

Congratulations Elena Kingston on winning the best poster prize at the Building 68 retreat. We have won a poster prize each year for the past 3 years. Nice job Mimi, Claudia, and now Elena.

Welcome Clint Ko

Welcome Clint Ko

Biology graduate student, Clint Ko, is joining our lab. Clint was an undergrad at Cornell University where he worked on plant development. We are happy he has turned to the fruit fly for his next system.

Mimi Xie’s paper in Nature Communications

Mimi Xie’s paper in Nature Communications

Congratulations to graduate student, Mimi Xie, for her publication “Intracellular signalling and intercellular coupling coordinate heterogeneous contractile events to facilitate tissue folding” in Nature Communications. In the paper, Mimi showed that cells exhibit three classes of contractile events, unconstricting, unratcheted, and ratcheted. Mimi demonstrated that cells undergo transitions between different classes of contractions, going from unconstricting or unratcheted contractions to ratcheted contractions. A transcription factor that regulates this developmental stage is important for the proper order of contractile events. It is important for cells to generate ratcheted contractions because this promotes cooperation between cells.