Lab News
What happens during the first moments of butterfly scale formation? An introduction to Dr. Anthony McDougal
Jennifer Chu reports on Anthony McDougal’s doctoral thesis, studying butterfly wing scale morphogenesis in Vanessa cardui.
Original publication here
Martin Lab at the International Conference on Neural Tube Defects
Several members of the Martin lab – Juana De la O, Anthony Mc Dougal, and Mingmar Sherpa – will be attending the 13th annual International Conference on Neural Tube Defects at the University of British Columbia from August 11th – 14th. Juana and Anthony will be giving talks on their research, while Mingmar will be presenting a poster. Please come by and say hello!

Mary Ann Collins published review article in Developmental Cell
Congratulations Mary Ann Collins on publishing review article on plant and animal morphogenesis in Developmental Cell!

Congratulation Dr. Jackson!
Congratulations Dr. Jackson on defending your PhD and getting a postdoc position in Germany. Best of luck.

Congratulation Dr. Yeh!
Congratulations Dr. Yeh on defending your PhD and getting a job in industry! We wish her the best of luck.

Welcome Anthony McDouglal!
Anthony is the newest postdoc in the lab. Anthony comes to us from the MIT Mechanical Engineering PHD program.

Fernando Melara Barahona wins presentation award at ABRCMS!
Congratulations to summer student, Fernando Melara Barahon, for winning a presentation award at ABRCMS 2022 conference.

Welcome Mingmar Sherpa!
Mingmar joined us this summer from the University of Alabama at Birmingham as our new Technical Associate, welcome!

Fernando Melara Barahona presents poster for MSRP program
Congratulations Fernando on a productive summer and successfully presenting your poster at the end of summer program. We look forward to seeing what you do in the future!

Hannah Yevick starts Assistant Professor position
Dr. Yevick starts as an Assistant Professor at Brandeis University. Check out her new lab website. Congratulations and good luck, Hannah!

Jaclyn Camuglia gets PhD and starts new job
Congratulations Jaci on a stellar PhD thesis and tour de force paper. We wish her the best of luck on her next position in industry!

Jaclyn Camuglia submits paper
Graduate student, Jaclyn Camuglia, submitted her research “Morphogenetic forces planar polarize LGN/Pins in the embryonic head during Drosophila gastrulation” and posted a preprint. We found that morphogenetic forces are required to orient cell divisions in the Drosophila embryo through a mechanism that establishes polarity of the Pins protein.
What happens during the first moments of butterfly scale formation? An introduction to Dr. Anthony McDougal
Jennifer Chu reports on Anthony McDougal’s doctoral thesis, studying butterfly wing scale morphogenesis in Vanessa cardui.
Original publication here
Martin Lab at the International Conference on Neural Tube Defects
Several members of the Martin lab – Juana De la O, Anthony Mc Dougal, and Mingmar Sherpa – will be attending the 13th annual International Conference on Neural Tube Defects at the University of British Columbia from August 11th – 14th. Juana and Anthony will be giving talks on their research, while Mingmar will be presenting a poster. Please come by and say hello!

Mary Ann Collins published review article in Developmental Cell
Congratulations Mary Ann Collins on publishing review article on plant and animal morphogenesis in Developmental Cell!

Congratulation Dr. Jackson!
Congratulations Dr. Jackson on defending your PhD and getting a postdoc position in Germany. Best of luck.

Congratulation Dr. Yeh!
Congratulations Dr. Yeh on defending your PhD and getting a job in industry! We wish her the best of luck.

Welcome Anthony McDouglal!
Anthony is the newest postdoc in the lab. Anthony comes to us from the MIT Mechanical Engineering PHD program.

Fernando Melara Barahona wins presentation award at ABRCMS!
Congratulations to summer student, Fernando Melara Barahon, for winning a presentation award at ABRCMS 2022 conference.

Welcome Mingmar Sherpa!
Mingmar joined us this summer from the University of Alabama at Birmingham as our new Technical Associate, welcome!