Hannah Yevick awarded NIH F32 fellowship
Congratulations to Dr. Hannah Yevick for being awarded a prestigious NIH fellowship.
Congratulations to Dr. Hannah Yevick for being awarded a prestigious NIH fellowship.
Congratulations Jeanne Jodin, for publishing her work “Stable Force Balance between Epithelial Cells Arises from F-Actin Turnover” in Developmental Cell. Jeanne showed that stable force balance between cells in a tissue requires robust actin filament turnover. The paper was also highlighted by the journal. Read the paper and the highlight article.
Congratulations to graduate student, Clint Ko, on publishing his research titled Microtubules promote intercellular contractile force transmission during tissue folding in the Journal of Cell Biology. Clint discovered that microtubules maintain intercellular adhesion by regulating actin.
Congratulations to graduate student, Claudia Vasquez, on passing her qualifying exam.
Elena, our new Technical Assistant, graduated from Swarthmore College in May 2014. Elena spent a summer doing research in David Stern’s lab at Janelia Farm.
Congratulations Elena Kingston on winning the best poster prize at the Building 68 retreat. We have won a poster prize each year for the past 3 years. Nice job Mimi, Claudia, and now Elena.
Congratulations postdoc Jasmin Imran Alsous and grad student Jonathan Jackson on publishing their paper titlec Dynamics of hydraulic and contractile wave-mediated fluid transport during Drosophila oogenesis in PNAS.